Halloween. It’s one of your kids favorite days of the year, and undoubtedly one of the worst for parents, who have to worry about their kids eating candy to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And don’t forget us, the helpless dentists that more often than not deal with an uptick in patients with cavities post Halloween. Good thing we’ve got a Halloween candy survival guide for you.
Have Healthy Snacks On Hand
Nobody is challenging that a fruit cup or carrot stick is tastier than a Reese’s or a Twix, but having the option on hand is important. Many kids, when introduced to healthy fruits and vegetables end up preferring them over sugary candy. It gives them more energy to play and sets a standard for healthy eating.
Save Candy for After Lunch & Dinner
ONE piece of candy a day keeps the dentist away, right? Well, we’d like to to be true. But here’s an idea: Have your kids pick out 10 or less pieces of candy to keep and you take the rest. When your kids head off to school, put a piece or two in their lunch, and save them a piece after dinner in the evening. Their candy will last longer in the end, and you can limit how much they eat.
Find Another Way to Use the Candy
There are many ways to use Halloween candy. In fact, we found at least 25 other uses for all that sugar. You can freeze it and use it on desserts and snacks throughout the year, have your kids pick a few of their favorite pieces out and throw the rest away, and much more. We suggest you sell it for a few bucks so it can be sent to local charities (and not just because we’re sponsoring one such event). It’s a great way to teach your kids the value of giving.