No one enjoys a toothache, much less a child. If you’ve ever found yourself face-to-face with your child gripping their mouth and wincing in pain, you know it’s not fun. Most minor toothache’s can be relieved with simple home remedies, while more severe pain will likely require a trip to your pediatric dentist. First, the reason you came here in the first place: how to relieve your child’s toothache pain.
Over-The-Counter Pain Relief
You’re safe going straight to your children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Nothing will relieve pain quicker and more efficiently. Make sure to check labels and instructions for correct dosage and ingestion. If your child has a problem swallowing pills (and your medicine can be crushed), use a dough roller to crush tablets into powder and mix it in with water. Do not give Ibuprofen to a child allergic to aspirin.
Never give Ibuprofen to an infant less than six months old and consult your doctor/dentist for all medications. On your next visit to your pediatric dentist (and pediatrician), talk with them about safe pain medications and dosage for all ages.
Best Pain Relief Medication for Children
- Tylenol
- Ibuprofen: Advil or Motrin (over six months)
Apply Heat/Cold to the Aching Area
Your best solution to relieving your child’s toothache is with some pain medication. If it doesn’t work quickly, applying a cold compress to the area will help. Take a storage bag fill it with ice, place a thin layer of material, such as a kitchen or paper towel, and apply it to cheek area outside the tooth. If cold does not relieve the pain, try switching to a warm compress.
Do not put a warm or cold compress directly on the tooth. This will only elevate the pain.
Use a Sea Salt Rinse
A toothache caused by a blow to the jaw or mild infection is likely to go away all on its own. A sea salt rinse will move that process along at a quicker pace. Make a rinse with warm water and spoonful of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve before having your child put the solution in their mouth. Have them gargle–making sure it thoroughly splashes the affected area–and spit it out. Have them do this several times a day until the pain subsides.
Is the Pain not Going Away?
If the pain persists after trying any of the above, it’s time to call your child’s dentist. You could be looking at a cavity, a dislodged tooth, or another issue. It’s best to seek advice right away and schedule an appointment if necessary. Burg Children’s Dentistry has 14 locations throughout Utah. If it’s an emergency, contact us right away.